Freedom13 Directors:

Sandy Hill, an award-winning children's author, donates profits from
her writings to end child sex trafficking. As an experienced speaker, she
brings awareness to the problem of trafficking our children into the sex trade
and provides solutions on how to protect them. Sandy presents to both adults
and students. She offers in-depth training for counselors. Sandy Hill earned a Teaching Credential in Computer Science
and Related Technologies. Her favorite tech job was a data analyst and mission
controller on NASA’s Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes to Jupiter. But she has
worn many different hats, but some of her favorites are wife to Gene, Mom, and
Grammy. In retirement, she fulfilled a lifelong dream and became a children’s
author. She has written ten children’s picture books for her
favorite audience, children.
Together Gene and Sandy are involved with the North Kitsap Anti-Drug Coalitions because the crimes of selling drugs and sex trafficking are often related. They are Ambassadors for Shared Hope International, another organization against sex trafficking.
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